My birthday is coming up tomorrow. : O I'm going to officially be 19 years old. : D I can go bar hopping if I really wanted to.
...Which, honestly, I don't. If I DO drink at all, it's going to be in moderation. :/ I've seen way too many people acting like complete and utter fools. P:
The good thing is, now that I'm 19, we can actually sit in the bar part of restaurants in in the Alpine Zone that is here in the Geary Speedway. Cool beans. : D
....Apparently I look like I'm 20 to some people. :/ I don't know why. Oh well...lucky them it's only a year off. : O Be great for a shock factor though~ <3
I should talk a bit about my poem. I've had an interest in Lucifer since i was 15 (and Wiccan. Funnily enough, it was at this point I realized that humans are most like Lucifer. P:). Yes, I'm not going to deny the fact that I've had an interest in the Lightbringer. Anyways, I wanted to learn more about the being that people call "evil" and in this studying...I've become attached to Lucifer. There is something about Lucifer that draws me in, and I can't exactly pinpoint it. I don't regret my studying, since it has effect my views quite a bit. (Ie. my "Good and Evil" view)
I was talking to a friend online and I was talking about how someone's poems on Lucifer reflect my own point of view of Lucifer. He said I should write a poem about Lucifer, and I thought I should have too. When I had inspiration.
And *poof* the first line that came to my head was "Come, Lucifer! Shining Star, Dawn Star!" and...that's kind of how it came to be.
I use to be Pagan, and stopped for a few weeks, and tried again. However, something didn't feel right. While Paganism draws me, while Paganism is deeply rooted in me, it doesn't feel right. I think it had a lot to do with how my beliefs and views have changed, what I think resonates with me, and what I'm currently drawn to. I've always thought myself as a slightly rational than average Pagan, since I try to rationalize a lot of things. I have my own beliefs that have drawn from experience and observation, and some which are influenced by the LHP.
..I'm going to stop rambling now. :3
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